

Dream House

Web Log



The Dream is a reality.



Watch our progress while we build           




(sort of)

January 28, 2008

We have passed the final inspection and we are on our way downtown to get the Certificate of Occupancy.



We are taking down the building permit box as we are done with inspections!

Just a little side note:  the piece of lumber that has been supporting the permit box for the last 5½ years was cut and painted by my Father before he passed away.

January 25-27, 2008

We have been scurrying to get all the visable details complete for the final inspection.

We are still finishing up with baseboard trim.

We've built the deck for the hot tub.


January 21, 2008

The survey crew was here the entire day.  Took them forever to get the reading and measurements for the "as built" survey needed for the final inspection.  They are also making the Certificate of Elevation needed for the Stormwater Management permit. 

In the meantime, we are constructing the deck to put next to the hot tub.

January 16, 2008

The concrete crew has cut the expansion cuts into the driveway, and now, the crew is finished. 

We are now finishing grading around the driveway and patios.  The swale by the lake is complete.  The survey crew will be here Monday to complete the "as built" survey which is the last step before the final inspection.

We have started building the deck for the hot tub.

January 15, 2008

The concrete is flowing!


The driveway, patios and steps are in place and curing.

January 14, 2008 If we pass the termite inspection, concrete will begin to be poured tomorrow.

Inspection PASSED.

January 11, 2008 Required termite treatment in any area where new concrete will meet the house or garage.
January 10, 2008 More work on the driveway and patios.


January 9, 2008 Concrete crew is starting to form up the driveway and patios.

January 8, 2008 We are prepping for the concrete crew to begin the driveway, patios and steps.
January 7, 2008 We are still working on baseboards - installing, filling/sanding, and painting.
rest of 2007

lots of stuff has happened

NOTE:  Yes, there has been progress.  No, the website has not been updated.

We have been installing all the rods and shelves in the closets.  Brian is still finishing baseboard trim and Dan follows behind painting over them.  We have been grading outside and doing lots of detail work inside.

July 17

Brian & Josh dig a deep trench for conduit under the driveway.



July 8

We excavate for the driveway, and Josh is helping.



9 days in May

Brian builds and installs railings in the garage



Day 499

May 8, 2007

Carpet on the stairs is complete



Day 498

April 24, 2007

wood floor at entrance 2/3 complete



Day 492-497

7 Days

April, 2007


replacing treads on staircase in prep for carpeting



Day 489-491

3 Days

March, 2007

wood floor in bar is complete



Day 488

March 6, 2007

Carpet is complete downstairs.  Josh is helping out with the vacuuming.



Day 487

March 5, 2007

Carpet is being installed downstairs.  This will almost complete the carpet for the house.  The only area to be completed is the staircase.



Day 486

March 4, 2007

We are prepping for carpet to be installed downstairs.

We have to cover the windows with a temporary curtain system so the sun will not fade the new carpet.

"A priest, a gorilla, and a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder walk into a bar.  The priest says to the drunk sitting at the bar, "Hey, did you ever finish building that house?"  And the drunk pulls out a gun and shoots the priest.  The gorilla, the pirate and even the parrot decide to keep their mouths shut.




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